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以下の書籍を、図書館、研究者または学生(転売目的の方はご遠慮ください)で希望される方に差し上げます。ただし、送料は負担していただきます。ご希望の方は、matoriy50@gmail.com(@マークを半角に変えてください)に、メールのタイトルに必ず「書籍譲渡希望」と書き、 著者名、書名を明記、またご自分の名前・所属(学会、非常勤でも結構です)を記入の上お申込みください。面識のない方は、ご自分の研究や自己紹介など、2〜3行程度、ご説明ください。先着順です。お送りできることになったら、 メールの返信にて送料の請求をさせていただきます。レターパック・ライト(370円)、もしくはレターパック・プラス(520円)、冊数がおおかったりサイズが大きければ着払い宅配便です。送金は銀行振込(三菱UFJ銀行)、 もしくは、Paypayとなります。振込の面倒な方は、最初から着払い希望とお書きください。緊急の対応はできませんので、本の入手まで2週間は見ておいてください。済とあるのは、譲渡約定済です。 |
author(s)/editor(s) | title | year | publisher | memo | |
済 | Barclay, Barry | Mana Tuturu: Maori treasures & intellectual property rights. | 2005 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | |
済 | Browne, Jude ed. | The Future of Gender | 2007 | Cambridge UP | |
済 | Brunt, Peter, Nicholas Thomas, Sean Mallon, Lissant Bolton, Deidre Brown, Damian Skinner, and Susanne Kuchler | Art in Oceania: A New History | 2012 | London: Thames & Haddon | 大型本、画集 |
済 | Camphauzen, Rufus C. | Return of the Tribal: A celebration of Body Adornment. | 1997 | Rochester VT: Park Street Press | 現代のタトゥーなど、身体加工。写真多 |
済 | Chloe Colchester ed. | Clothing the Pacific | 2003 | Oxford: Berg | |
済 | Coleman, Elizabeth Burns | Aboriginal Art, Identity and Appropriation | 2005 | England: Ashgate | 写真多 |
済 | Demmke, Andreas et.al eds. | Federated States of Micronesia Population Profile: A Guide for Planners and Policy-makers | 1997 | Noumea: SPC | |
済 | Demmke, Andreas et.al eds. | Guam Population Profile: A Guide for Planners and Policy-makers | 1997 | Noumea: SPC | |
Demmke, Andreas et.al eds. | Tokelau Population Profile based on 1996: A Guide for Planners and Policy Makers | 1998 | Noumea: SPC | ||
済 | Ernst, Manfred | Winds of Change: Rapidly Growing Religious Groups in the Pacific Islands | 1994 | Suva, Fiji: Pacific Conference of Churches | |
済 | Garrett, John | Footsteps in the Sea: Christianity in Oceania to WWII | 1992 | Suva: IPS, USP | |
済 | Geertz, Clifford | Available Lights: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics | 2000 | Princeton UP | |
済 | Greaves, Tom ed. | Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook | 1994 | Society for Applied Anthropology | |
済 | Handler, Richard ed. | Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions: Essays Toward a more inclusive history of anthropology | 2000 | Madison: U. Wisconsin Press | |
済 | Handy, E.S. Craighill & Mary Kawena Pukui | The Polynesian Family System in Kau, Hawaii | 1998 | Honolulu: Mutual Publishing | |
済 | Hatanaka, Sachiko & Norio Shibata eds. | Reao Report: A Study of the Polynesian Migration to the Eastern Tuamotus | 1982 | Kanazawa: the University of Kanazawa | 科研費報告書 |
済 | Hermann, Bernard (photo) & Bonnemaison (text) | Vanuatu(中にNouvelle Hebridesとあるのはご愛敬)フランス語 | 1975 | Papeete: Le Edition du Pacifique | 写真集 |
済 | Hobsbawm, Eric & Terence Ranger eds. | The Invention of Tradition | 1983 | Cambridge UP | |
済 | Howard, Alan ed. | Polynesia: Readings on a Culture Area | 1971 | Chandler Publishing co. | |
IPS, USP | Vanuatu | 1980 | Suva: IPS, USP | ||
済 | Kagami, Haruya | Balinese Traditional Architecture in Process | 1988 | Little World Museum of Man | |
済 | Kassler, Jamie & Jill Stubington eds. | Problems and Solutions: Occasional Essays in Musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle | 1984 | NSW: Hale & Iremonger | |
済 | Keen, Ian ed. | Being Black: Aboriginal Cultures in 'settled' Australia | 1994 | Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press | |
済 | King, Samuel P. & Randall W. Roth | Broken Trust: Greed and Mismanagement & Political Manipulation at America's Largest Charitable Trust | 2006 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | |
済 | Kullick, Don & Margaret Willson eds. | Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in anthropological Fieldwork. | 1995 | London: Routledge | |
済 | Larmour, Peter | Foreign Flowers: Institutional Transfer and Good Governance in the Pacific Islands | 2005 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | |
Leach, E.R. ed. | Aspects of Caste in South India, Ceylon and North-West Pakistan | 1960 | Cambridge UP | ||
済 | Loveday, P. & E.P. Wofers | Parities and Perliament in PNG 1964-1975 Monograph 4 | 1976 | Institute of Applied social and Economic Research | |
済 | Low, Setha M. ed. | Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology Reader | 1999 | Rutgars UP | |
MacDougall, David | Transcultural Cinema | 1998 | Princeton UP | ||
Macpherson, Cluny & La'avasa | Samoan Medical Belief & Practice | 1990 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | ||
済 | McManus, Edwin (Fr) | Palauan-English Dictionary | 1978 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | |
済 | McPherson, Naomi ed. | In Colonial New Guinea: Anthropological Perspective | 2001 | U. Pittsburgh Press | |
Mead, Margaret | Social Organization of Manu'a | 1969 | Honolulu: Bernice Bishop M. Press | ||
済 | Meller, Norman | The Congress of Micronesia | 1969 | Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press | |
済 | Mellor, Doreen & Anna Haebich eds. | Many Voices: Reflections of Indigenous child separation | 2002 | Canberra: National Library of Australia | |
済 | minpaku,国立民族学博物館 | 先住民の宝 | 2020 | 大阪:国立民族学博物館 | 展覧会図録 |
済 | minpaku,国立民族学博物館 | 特別展世界大風呂敷展 | 2002 | 大阪:国立民族学博物館 | 展覧会図録 |
済 | Moore, Henrietta L. | The Subject of Anthropology | 2007 | Cambridge: Polity | |
済 | Nagashima, Nobuhiro ed. | Themes in Socio-cultural Ideas and behaviour among the six ethnic groups of Kenya | 1981 | Kunitachi, Tokyo: Hitotsubashi U. | |
済 | Nash, Manning | The Cauldron of Ethnicity in the Modern World | 1989 | University of Chicago Press | |
済 | Pearce, Chris & Eric Herter eds. | Discovery: The Hawaiian Odyssey | 1993 | Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press | B3サイズ |
済 | Rabinow, Paul & George E. Marcus | Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary | 2008 | Durham: Duke UP | |
済 | Rich, Roland ed. | Political Parties in the Pacific Islands | 2006 | Canberra: Pandanus Books, ANU | 2冊あり |
済 | Ross, Anthony Clunies | Migrants from fifty Villages. Monograph21 | 1984 | Institute of Applied social and Economic Research | |
済 | Shostak, Marjorie | Return to Nisa | 2000 | Harvard UP | |
済 | Sissons, Jeffrey | Nation and Destination Creating Cook Islands Identity | 1999 | IPS, USP Cook Islands Centre | |
済 | Stillman, Amy Ku'uleialoha | Sacred Hula: The Historical Hula 'Ala'apapa | 1998 | Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press | |
済 | Stoutenburgh, John Jr. | Dictionary of the American Indian: An A-to-Z guie to Indian history, legend and lore | 1960 | New York: Bonanza Books | |
済 | Strum, Shirley C. et.al eds. | The New Physical Anthropology | 1999 | New Jersey: Prentice Hall | 教科書 |
済 | Takaki, Ronald | Strangers from a different Shore | 1989 | Boston: Little Brown | |
済 | Thompson, E.P. | The Making of the English woriking class | 1966 | Panteon Books | |
済 | Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt | Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connections | 2005 | Princeton UP | |
済 | Vanuatu Visitors Bureau | Guide to Vanuatu (revised and reprinted) | 1984 | Port Vila | 写真多 |
済 | Waitangi Tribunal Report | The Taranaki Report Kaupapa Tuatahi | 1996 | GP publications | |
Yamamoto, 山本真鳥編 | 京セラ文庫『英国議会資料』資料集VII サモア諸島 CD版 | 2004 | 地域研究企画交流センター | ソフトは使えませんが、すべての資料はpdfで入ってます。2setsあり |