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Barclay, BarryMana Tuturu: Maori treasures & intellectual property rights.2005Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Browne, Jude ed.The Future of Gender2007Cambridge UP
Brunt, Peter, Nicholas Thomas,
Sean Mallon, Lissant Bolton,
Deidre Brown, Damian Skinner,
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Camphauzen, Rufus C.Return of the Tribal: A celebration of Body Adornment.1997Rochester VT: Park Street Press現代のタトゥーなど、身体加工。写真多
Chloe Colchester ed.Clothing the Pacific2003Oxford: Berg
Coleman, Elizabeth BurnsAboriginal Art, Identity and Appropriation2005England: Ashgate写真多
Demmke, Andreas et.al eds.Federated States of Micronesia Population Profile: A Guide for Planners and Policy-makers1997Noumea: SPC
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Demmke, Andreas et.al eds.Tokelau Population Profile based on 1996: A Guide for Planners and Policy Makers1998Noumea: SPC
Ernst, ManfredWinds of Change: Rapidly Growing Religious Groups in the Pacific Islands1994Suva, Fiji: Pacific Conference of Churches
Garrett, JohnFootsteps in the Sea: Christianity in Oceania to WWII1992Suva: IPS, USP
Geertz, CliffordAvailable Lights: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics2000Princeton UP
Greaves, Tom ed.Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook1994Society for Applied Anthropology
Handler, Richard ed.Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions: Essays Toward a more inclusive history of anthropology2000Madison: U. Wisconsin Press
Handy, E.S. Craighill & Mary Kawena PukuiThe Polynesian Family System in Kau, Hawaii1998Honolulu: Mutual Publishing
Hatanaka, Sachiko & Norio Shibata eds.Reao Report: A Study of the Polynesian Migration to the Eastern Tuamotus1982Kanazawa: the University of Kanazawa科研費報告書
Hermann, Bernard (photo) & Bonnemaison (text)Vanuatu(中にNouvelle Hebridesとあるのはご愛敬)フランス語1975Papeete: Le Edition du Pacifique写真集
Hobsbawm, Eric & Terence Ranger eds.The Invention of Tradition1983Cambridge UP
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Kagami, HaruyaBalinese Traditional Architecture in Process1988Little World Museum of Man
Kassler, Jamie & Jill Stubington eds.Problems and Solutions: Occasional Essays in Musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle1984NSW: Hale & Iremonger
Keen, Ian ed.Being Black: Aboriginal Cultures in 'settled' Australia1994Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press
King, Samuel P. & Randall W. RothBroken Trust: Greed and Mismanagement & Political Manipulation at America's Largest Charitable Trust2006Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Kullick, Don & Margaret Willson eds.Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in anthropological Fieldwork.1995London: Routledge
Larmour, PeterForeign Flowers: Institutional Transfer and Good Governance in the Pacific Islands2005Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Leach, E.R. ed.Aspects of Caste in South India, Ceylon and North-West Pakistan1960Cambridge UP
Loveday, P. & E.P. WofersParities and Perliament in PNG 1964-1975 Monograph 41976Institute of Applied social and Economic Research
Low, Setha M. ed.Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology Reader1999Rutgars UP
MacDougall, DavidTranscultural Cinema1998Princeton UP
Macpherson, Cluny & La'avasaSamoan Medical Belief & Practice1990Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
McManus, Edwin (Fr)Palauan-English Dictionary1978Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
McPherson, Naomi ed.In Colonial New Guinea: Anthropological Perspective2001U. Pittsburgh Press
Mead, MargaretSocial Organization of Manu'a1969Honolulu: Bernice Bishop M. Press
Meller, NormanThe Congress of Micronesia1969Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Mellor, Doreen & Anna Haebich eds.Many Voices: Reflections of Indigenous child separation2002Canberra: National Library of Australia
Moore, Henrietta L.The Subject of Anthropology2007Cambridge: Polity
Nagashima, Nobuhiro ed.Themes in Socio-cultural Ideas and behaviour among the six ethnic groups of Kenya1981Kunitachi, Tokyo: Hitotsubashi U.
Nash, ManningThe Cauldron of Ethnicity in the Modern World1989University of Chicago Press
Pearce, Chris & Eric Herter eds.Discovery: The Hawaiian Odyssey1993Honolulu: Bishop Museum PressB3サイズ
Rabinow, Paul & George E. MarcusDesigns for an Anthropology of the Contemporary2008Durham: Duke UP
Rich, Roland ed.Political Parties in the Pacific Islands2006Canberra: Pandanus Books, ANU2冊あり
Ross, Anthony CluniesMigrants from fifty Villages. Monograph211984Institute of Applied social and Economic Research
Shostak, MarjorieReturn to Nisa2000Harvard UP
Sissons, JeffreyNation and Destination Creating Cook Islands Identity1999IPS, USP Cook Islands Centre
Stillman, Amy Ku'uleialohaSacred Hula: The Historical Hula 'Ala'apapa1998Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press
Stoutenburgh, John Jr.Dictionary of the American Indian: An A-to-Z guie to Indian history, legend and lore1960New York: Bonanza Books
Strum, Shirley C. et.al eds.The New Physical Anthropology1999New Jersey: Prentice Hall教科書
Takaki, RonaldStrangers from a different Shore1989Boston: Little Brown
Thompson, E.P.The Making of the English woriking class1966Panteon Books
Tsing, Anna LowenhauptFriction: An Ethnography of Global Connections2005Princeton UP
Vanuatu Visitors BureauGuide to Vanuatu (revised and reprinted)1984Port Vila写真多
Waitangi Tribunal ReportThe Taranaki Report Kaupapa Tuatahi1996GP publications
Yamamoto, 山本真鳥編京セラ文庫『英国議会資料』資料集VII サモア諸島 CD版2004地域研究企画交流センターソフトは使えませんが、すべての資料はpdfで入ってます。2setsあり