- 1974 B.A. in Liberal Arts from the University of Tokyo.
- 1976 M.A. in Sociology, from Department of Cultural Anthropology, the University of Tokyo.
- 1978-80 Joint Doctral Research Intern at the East-West Center, Honolulu.
- 1981-83 Fellow, Japan Association for Promotion of Science.
- 1984-90 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hosei Univesity.
- 1990- Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hosei Univesity.
- 1990-92 Visiting Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
- 1996-2003 The Editor, People and Culture in Oceania, the official jounal of the Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies.
- 2000-2009 Board member, the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
- 2001-2005 Visiting Professor, the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.
- 2005-2014 Council Member, the Science Council of Japan
- 2008-2010 President, the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
- 2009- Member, Evaluation Committee, the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
- Academic Field:
- Socio-Cultural Anthropology in Oceania, especially in Polynesia. She has long experience of field research in Western Samoa (June 1978-Sept 1979, Jul-Oct 1991, Jul-Sept 1985, and other several trips) and in Samoan migrant communities in Honolulu (Jul-Aug 1989), San Francisco (1991-2), Auckland, NZ (Jul-Aug 1993). She also has visited various place in the Pacific. Specialized in transformation of chiefly systems and exchange systems in Oceania. Recently her study is focused on the transaction of the Samoan migrant communities and the homeland. Her another recent interest is globalization and national identity of the Pacific peoples. She has taken an initiative on the Japanese research team on the Pacific Festival of Arts. She is also planning to undertake researches on Americans and Japanese from a comparative perspective in the future.
Major Works:
- Article 'Transformation of exchange valuables in Samoa. Man and Culture in Oceania vol.6, pp.205-37, 1990.
- Urbanisation of the chiefly system: Multiplication and differentiation of titles in Western Samoa. The Journal of the Polynesian Society 103(2): 171-202. 1994.
- Transformation of exchange valuables in Samoa. Man and Culture in Oceania 6: 205-37, 1990.
- Article 'The Territorial Organization of Faleata : A Case Study of the Title System In Samoan Society'. 013 Senri Ethnological Studies (SES) no.021 Cultural Uniformity and Diversity in Micronesia vol.6, pp.205-37, 1987
- Article 'Urbanisation of the chiefly system: Multiplication and differentiation of titles in Western Samoa.' The Journal of the Polynesian Society. vol.103 no.2, pp.171-202, 1994.
- Girei toshite no Keizai-Samoa Shakai no Zoyo, Kenryoku , Sexuality. (in Japanese, co-authored with Yasushi Yamamoto) (Economy as Rituals/ Gift, Power, and Sexuality in Samoan Society.) Tokyo: Kobundo, 1996.
- 'Samoan Diaspora and Ceremonial Exchange.' Population Movement in the Modern World/ Contemporary Migration in Oceania: Diaspora and Network. JCAS Symposium Series no.3. Osaka: Japan Center for Area Studies, 1997.
- 'The Strategy of Japanese Anthropologists' Paper presented at the Session 1-011/Anthropology: A Critical Review from Japan, at the 95th Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 20th-24th, 1996, at San Francisco.
- 'Polynesian Identity in Multi-cultural Contexts.' The New Pacific Review 1(1): 68-76 ('L'identité polynésienne dans des contextes multiculturels.' La nouvelle revue du pacific 1(1): 72-82) December 2000. Proceedings of the Pacific Identity Congress held in Noumea, July 15-16, 1999.
- Article 'The Meaning of the Samoan Way of Life in the United States. Journal of International Economic Studies 15: 53-64. March 2001.
- Article 'Anthropological Study of Gender and Sexuality in Japan.' Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 2: 105-137, 2001。
- Article、'Pacific Islands Studies in Japan.' 『亞太研究論壇』第30期, pp.76-95, 中央研究院(Academia Sinica)亞太區域研究専題中心、2005年12月。
- Editing, Article、Matori Yamamoto ed. Art and Identity in the Pacific: Festival of Pacific Arts. JCAS Area Studies Research Reports no.9. 10+132pp. Osaka: The Japan Center fo Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology. 2006 February.
- Article、Migration and Tourism Development in Samoa. People and Culture in Oceania 24: 51-66. Japanese Society of Pacific Studies, 2008.
- Article、Nationalism in Microstates : Realpolitik in the Two Samoas, Keizai-shirin; The Hosei University economic review 78(3): 283-299, 2011.
Online papers are linked.
Coming soon:
- 論文、Role of Japanese Anthropology in the World System of Anthropological Knowledge. Gustavo Lins Ribeiro ed. Global Anthropologies. Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House.
- 共著論文(+Cindy Yoshiko Shirata)Evolving Transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Perspective of Social Science in Japan. 『学術の動向』2012年2月号。