Lectures and Seminars

renewed on Apr 10, 2013

  • Office Hours:
    Wednesday 11:30-13:00
    otherwise by appointments

  • Lectures:
    Economic Anthropology A / 2 units (summer semester) / 2nd year and over
    Economic Anthropology B / 2 units (winter semester) / 2nd year and over
    Cultural Anthropology A/B 2 units each (summer/winter semester each) / 1st year
    Cultural Anthropology 2 units (summer semester) =Cultural Anthropology A / 2nd year and over
    Gender Economic Studies (summer semester) / Graduate School of Economics
    (Five lecturers, Yamamoto will teach on 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19)
  • Seminars:
    Seminar/ 8 units (yearly) / 2nd and 3rd years
    Seminar/ 4 units (winter semester)/ 4th year
    Introductory Seminar / 4 unites (yearly) / 1st year

9:30-11:00Cultural Anthropology A (summer sem.)
Cultural Anthropology B (winter sem.)
11:10-12:40Introductory SeminarMeetings
13:30-15:00Economic Anthropology A (summer sem.)
Economic Anthropology B (winter sem.)
Gender E.S.

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